As a child, Charlie Daniels grew up with Cowboy’s on the Silver Screen as heroes. Charlie would spend evenings in the Carolina’s and Georgia dream of riding,roping, and living the Cowboy life. As a youngster, his love of music started him on a career choice that would give him an opportunity visit the West that he had dreamed of; as well as meeting real cowboys and some of the legends of the Silver Screen. As his music reflected his experiences in different parts of the world, it was only natural that some of his music reflected “The Cowboy Way”. With a sound known as Southern Rock, Charlie introduced a whole new group of fans to the South and the West that he loves so much. In the mid 70’s Charlie and his wife, Hazel, bought a farm near Nashville, Tennessee and purchased some horses and a few Hereford Cows. Although they enjoyed riding the fences, Charlie decided he wanted a real working ranch. By 1980, additional acreage was acquired, a new barn and arena were under construction and a plan was starting to come together. By 1982, AQHA and APHA horses were starting to replace Tennessee Walking horses and Arabians, and Charlie had learned to rope. Due to the cost of finding andtransporting suitable roping and cutting practice cattle Charlie decided to raise his own. As the 34th member of the North American Corriente Cattle Association Charlie’s Twin Pines Ranch got in on the ground floor of the Association. Through cross-breading programs, purchases, imports, and trading, the ranch is proud to have had one of the best herds of both registered and non-registered Corriente cattle to be found anywhere. The ranch has sold and shipped Corriente from Oregon to Florida, and from Texas to Massachusetts. In 1981, the ranch purchased an AQHA mare by the name of Huggie Bear who was in foal to Sun Fritz by King Fritz. She had a beautiful colt who was name “TP King Bear”. Not only was he built the best he also had a great attitude that he has passed on to his foals over the years. Charlie and TP King Bear appeared on the cover of Western Horseman in August of 1987. TP King Bear became our Foundation Ranch Stallion and his blood has been passed on to our current stock. At one time the ranch was actively committed to competitive cutting and the blood lines of horses that have resided or still reside at Twin Pines Ranch reflect the Cutting Blood in their breeding. Some of the stallions that have stood at Twin Pines include; Pancho San Bar (an own son of Peppy San), Jetting Tardy (an own son of Tardy Too), Bars Diamond Rebel (double bred Three Bars), and the list goes on. Twin Pines mares were bred to Mr. San Peppy, Peponita, and some of the other top Cutting Stallions. The ranch found that the cutting blood made the best ranch and rope horses. In 2009, the ranch acquired a registered Horned Hereford Bull by the name of DH Domino 775 and presented him to Charlie on his birthday. Charlie stated at the time that he believed he was the best looking animal to have ever been on the ranch. Shortly afterwards, a few non-registered beef cows were purchased to keep Domino company. The first crop of Domino’s calves were so impressive, we decided to acquire some registered females. Before long, the Horned Hereford Herd was quickly becoming the priority and we started selling our Corriente Herd to make more room for the beef cattle. On July 3, 2010, we were saddened by the loss of our favorite and oldest stallion TP King Bear. We had been fortunate to have two of our best mares concieve and we knew that through him and other stallions we owned by him, that TP King Bear’s legacy would continue. On January 7, 2011 we suffered another great loss when the primary barn at Twin Pines Ranch burned and was a total loss. In the barn at the time were all of our stallions, our favorite mare TP Pokey Huntus who was in foal to TP King Bear, Charlie’s favorite rope horse, TP Goomer Brown and all of our 2010 foals. The barn, all of it’s contents and 30 years of memories were lost that night. Once the initial shock wore off, it was time to “Cowboy Up” and regroup. Two days after the fire, our friend Jerry Mansfield and his son Bert drove up from Fayetteville, Tennessee and dropped off a large trailer, two saddles, miscellaneous tack and blankets along with offers to help. Within’ a month we received a package from our good friend Baxter Black with all of his books and tapes for us. The list goes on and on of similar acts of thoughfulness and kindness. Although we still have several daughters of TP King Bear, we did not have a stallion out of him. On May 19 of 2011 we were blessed with an APHA colt out of Maxs Charmin Attitude and TP King Bear.Charlie and Hazel happened to be home at the time and he named him :”TP New Beginnings”. So far the colt seems to have his dad’s good looks and great attitude. Call 615-449-4719, or email us to set up an appointment or to receive specific information.